blueprint: name: "Mike's Motion Activated Light" description: "Turn lights on or off based on motion, plus an increasing delay when motion is continuously detected." domain: automation input: motion_sensor: name: Motion Sensor description: Entity ID of the motion sensor selector: entity: domain: binary_sensor delay_seconds_helper: name: Delay seconds (helper) description: The delay before the motion-off sequence will be initiated. Must be a helper so it can persist across activations. selector: entity: domain: input_number delay_seconds_default: name: Default delay seconds description: The default delay before the motion-off sequence begins. Will be used to reset the running delay. default: 30 selector: number: min: 1 max: 86400 step: 1 mode: box notice_seconds: name: Notice seconds description: "The number of seconds to wait in the Prep1 (Notice) scene." default: 15 selector: number: min: 1 max: 86400 step: 1 mode: box warning_seconds: name: Warning seconds description: "The number of seconds to wait in the Prep2 (Warning) scene." default: 15 selector: number: min: 1 max: 86400 step: 1 mode: box scene_on: name: On Scene description: The scene to activate when motion is detected selector: entity: domain: scene scene_off_prep_1: name: Off Prep Scene 1 (Notice) description: The first scene to activate when motion is no longer detected (notice phase). selector: entity: domain: scene scene_off_prep_2: name: Off Prep Scene 2 (Warning) description: The second scene to activate when motion is no longer detected (warning phase). selector: entity: domain: scene scene_off: name: Off Scene description: "The scene to activate when the user has failed to produce motion, and the light should be considered \"off\"." selector: entity: domain: scene variables: motion_sensor: !input motion_sensor delay_seconds: !input delay_seconds_helper delay_seconds_default: !input delay_seconds_default notice_seconds: !input notice_seconds warning_seconds: !input warning_seconds trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - !input motion_sensor to: - "on" - "off" action: - service: logbook.log data: name: First log message: "Test Poop Blueprint has started. Motion delay counter is: {{ states[delay_seconds].state }}" - if: - condition: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor state: "on" # Take actions based on Motion being detected! then: - alias: Trying to log the motion state service: logbook.log data: name: Motion On message: Motion Detected - alias: "Activate the ON scene" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_on # Take actions based on Motion being undetected else: - alias: Announce motion-off sequence service: logbook.log data: name: Motion Off message: Initiating motion-off sequence. - alias: Delay appropriately before doing anything wait_template: "{{ states[motion_sensor].state == 'on' }}" timeout: "{{ states[delay_seconds].state }}" - if: - condition: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor state: "on" then: - stop: "Motion detected during initial delay." - service: logbook.log data: name: Motion Off message: Finished initial no-motion delay - alias: "Activate Scene: Off Prep 1 (Notice)" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_off_prep_1 - alias: "Delay during the notice period" wait_template: "{{ states[motion_sensor].state == 'on' }}" timeout: "{{ notice_seconds }}" - if: - condition: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor state: "on" then: - alias: "Activate Scene: On" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_on - alias: "Double countdown timer when user interrupts the notice period." service: input_number.set_value data: entity_id: !input delay_seconds_helper value: "{{ states[delay_seconds].state | int * 2 }}" - stop: "Motion detected during notice period." - service: logbook.log data: name: Motion Off message: Finished notice delay - alias: "Activate Scene: Off Prep 2 (Warning)" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_off_prep_2 - alias: "Delay during the warning period" wait_template: "{{ states[motion_sensor].state == 'on' }}" timeout: "{{ warning_seconds }}" - if: - condition: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor state: "on" then: - alias: "Activate Scene: On" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_on - alias: "Double countdown timer when user interrupts the warning period." service: input_number.set_value data: entity_id: !input delay_seconds_helper value: "{{ states[delay_seconds].state | int * 2 }}" - stop: "Motion detected during the warning period." - service: logbook.log data: name: Motion Off message: Finished warning delay - alias: "Activate Scene: Off (Done)" service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: !input scene_off - alias: "Reset countdown timer after turning on lights." service: input_number.set_value data: entity_id: !input delay_seconds_helper value: "{{ delay_seconds_default }}" - service: logbook.log data: name: Motion Off message: Activated off-scene and reset delay.