#!/usr/env python3 """ Mike's Backup Diff A simple script to help compare changes between a backup destination directory, and its source Copyright 2019 Mike Peralta; All rights reserved Released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 (See LICENSE file for more) """ # import datetime import functools import humanfriendly import os import re import subprocess import sys # class BackupDiff: def __init__(self): self.__source_path = None self.__source_ssh_host = None self.__source_ssh_user = None self.__backup_path = None self.__backup_ssh_host = None self.__backup_ssh_user = None self.__ssh_key = None self.__source_path_items = None self.__backup_path_items = None self.__difference_entries = None self.__do_clean_difference_entries = True self.__force_rsync = False def run(self): self.consume_arguments() self.calculate_difference_entries() if self.__do_clean_difference_entries: self.clean_difference_entries() self.print_report() @staticmethod def current_time(): now = datetime.datetime.now() now_s = now.strftime("%b-%d-%Y %I:%M%p") return str(now_s) def log(self, s, o=None): now = self.current_time() to_log = "[" + now + "][Mike's Backup Diff] " + str(s) if o is not None: to_log += " " + str(o) print(to_log) def consume_arguments(self): for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == "--source-path": i, one_path = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__source_path = os.path.abspath(one_path) self.log("Found source path argument:", self.__source_path) elif arg == "--source-remote-host": i, host = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__source_ssh_host = host self.log("Will use source remote host: " + str(self.__source_ssh_host)) elif arg == "--source-remote-user": i, user = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__source_ssh_user = user self.log("Will use source remote user: " + str(self.__source_ssh_user)) elif arg == "--backup-path": i, one_path = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__backup_path = os.path.abspath(one_path) self.log("Found backup destination path argument:", self.__backup_path) elif arg == "--backup-remote-host": i, host = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__backup_ssh_host = host self.log("Will use backup remote host: " + str(self.__backup_ssh_host)) elif arg == "--backup-remote-user": i, user = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__backup_ssh_user = user self.log("Will use backup remote user: " + str(self.__backup_ssh_user)) elif arg == "--ssh-key": i, key = self.consume_argument_companion(i) self.__ssh_key = key self.log("Will use ssh key: " + str(self.__ssh_key)) elif arg == "--use-rsync" or arg == "--rsync": self.__force_rsync = True self.log("Forcing comparison with rsync tool") elif arg == "--no-clean": self.__do_clean_difference_entries = False self.log("Won't clean Difference entries") @staticmethod def consume_argument_companion(arg_index): companion_index = arg_index + 1 if companion_index >= len(sys.argv): raise Exception("Expected argument after", sys.argv[arg_index]) return companion_index, sys.argv[companion_index] def calculate_comparison_items(self): self.consume_source_path() self.consume_backup_path() def consume_source_path(self): if self.__source_path is None: raise Exception("Please provide a source path") if not os.path.isdir(self.__source_path): raise Exception("Source path isn't a valid directory") self.log("Consuming source path: " + str(self.__source_path)) source_path_items = self.consume_dir(self.__source_path) source_path_items = self.strip_root_dir(self.__source_path, source_path_items) self.log("Done consuming source path items: " + str(len(source_path_items))) self.__source_path_items = source_path_items def should_use_rsync(self): if self.__force_rsync: return True if self.__source_ssh_host or self.__source_ssh_user: return True if self.__backup_ssh_host or self.__backup_ssh_user: return True if self.__ssh_key: return True return False def consume_backup_path(self): if self.__backup_path is None: raise Exception("Please provide a backup destination path") if not os.path.isdir(self.__backup_path): raise Exception("Backup destination path isn't a valid directory") self.log("Consuming backup path: " + str(self.__backup_path)) backup_path_items = self.consume_dir(self.__backup_path) backup_path_items = self.strip_root_dir(self.__backup_path, backup_path_items) self.log("Done consuming backup path items: " + str(len(backup_path_items))) self.__backup_path_items = backup_path_items def consume_dir(self, dir_path): # paths = set() # self.log("") for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(dir_path): paths.add(root) for d in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, d) paths.add(path) # print(path) for f in filenames: path = os.path.join(root, f) paths.add(path) # print(path) self.print_progress_message("Consuming paths ... " + str(len(paths))) return paths def calculate_difference_entries(self): if self.should_use_rsync(): self.calculate_difference_entries_with_rsync() else: self.calculate_difference_entries_directly() def calculate_difference_entries_with_rsync(self): entries = [] do_test = False stdout, stderr, return_code = self.execute_rsync() print("STDOUT:") print(stdout) #print("STDERR:") #print(stderr) # print("Calculating difference entries ...") # Parse normal lines (Flags and Path) pattern_general = re.compile("""^(?P(?P[^\s]{11})(?P.*))$""", re.MULTILINE) matches = pattern_general.finditer(stdout) for match in matches: line = match.group("line") flags = match.group("flags") change_type_character = flags[0] item_type = flags[1] # Determine which attributes are different attributes_part = flags[2:] different_checksum = "c" in attributes_part different_size = "s" in attributes_part different_modification_time = "t" in attributes_part different_permissions = "p" in attributes_part different_owner = "o" in attributes_part different_group = "g" in attributes_part different_acl = "a" in attributes_part different_extended_attributes = "x" in attributes_part # different_any_attribute = ( different_checksum or different_size or different_modification_time or different_permissions or different_owner or different_group or different_acl or different_extended_attributes ) item = match.group("item").strip() entry = DifferenceEntry(item) # File folder, whatever if item_type == "d": entry.set_is_dir() elif item_type == "f": entry.set_is_file() # Missing from backup if change_type_character == "<": entry.set_is_missing_from_backup() # Missing from source elif change_type_character == ">": entry.set_is_missing_from_source() # Local change is occurring elif change_type_character == "c": entry.set_is_unknown("Rsync says a local change is occurring") # Item is a hard link elif change_type_character == "h": entry.set_is_unknown("Rsync says this is a hard link") # "no change / transfer (could still be changing attributes)" elif change_type_character == ".": entry.set_is_unknown("Rsync says no change, but could be changing attributes") # entries.append(entry) # Parse message lines pattern_messages = re.compile("""^(?P\*(?P[\w]+)(?P.*))$""", re.MULTILINE) matches = pattern_messages.finditer(stdout) for match in matches: message = match.group("message").strip() item = match.group("item").strip() entry = DifferenceEntry(item) if message == "deleting": entry.set_is_missing_from_source() entry.set_is_dir(item[-1] == "/") entry.set_is_file(not item[-1] == "/") else: print("IS UNKNOWN MESSAGE:", message) entry.set_is_unknown("Unhandled message: " + message) entries.append(entry) print("Finished calculating difference entries") self.__difference_entries = entries def execute_rsync(self): # args = list() # Rsync args.append("rsync") # Dry run!! args.append("--dry-run") # Produces the main output we'll parse args.append("--itemize-changes") # Rsh command rsh_command = self.make_rsync_rsh_argument(self.__ssh_key) if rsh_command: args.append(rsh_command) # Main sync flags args.append("--archive") args.append("--delete") # Source path args.append(self.make_rsync_path(self.__source_ssh_host, self.__source_ssh_user, self.__source_path)) # Backup path args.append(self.make_rsync_path(self.__backup_ssh_host, self.__backup_ssh_user, self.__backup_path)) # print("Executing rsync with the following arguments:") print(args) # Spawn SSH in shell process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # print("Rsync has finished executing") # stdout = stdout.decode() stderr = stderr.decode() # Accept Success (0), and Partial Transfer Codes (23 and 24) if process.returncode not in [0, 23, 24]: raise Exception("Failed to execute Rsync; Exited with code " + str(process.returncode)) return stdout, stderr, process.returncode @staticmethod def make_rsync_path(ssh_host, ssh_user, path): rsync_path = "" if (not ssh_host) and ssh_user: raise Exception("ssh_user provided (" + str(ssh_user) + ") without ssh_host") if ssh_user: rsync_path += ssh_user + "@" if ssh_host: rsync_path += ssh_host + ":" + path else: rsync_path += path # Absolute path doesn't have trailing slash, which works well for rsync here rsync_path += "/" return rsync_path @staticmethod def make_rsync_rsh_argument(ssh_key): if not ssh_key: return None if not os.path.isfile(ssh_key): raise Exception("SSH key does not exist: " + str(ssh_key)) return "--rsh=ssh -i " + ssh_key def calculate_difference_entries_directly(self): self.calculate_comparison_items() entries = [] # Compare everything in the source path self.log("") i = 1 for item in self.__source_path_items: self.print_progress_message( "Looking for differences from source to backup ... " + str(i) + " of " + str(len(self.__source_path_items)) ) entry = self.calculate_difference_entry(item) if entry: entries.append(entry) i += 1 # Compare only things in the backup path that weren't # in the source self.log("") i = 1 backup_items_not_in_source = self.__backup_path_items - self.__source_path_items for item in backup_items_not_in_source: self.print_progress_message( "Looking for differences from backup to source ... " + str(i) + " of " + str(len(backup_items_not_in_source)) ) entry = self.calculate_difference_entry(item) if entry: entries.append(entry) i += 1 self.__difference_entries = entries def clean_difference_entries(self, entries: list=None): if entries is None: entries = self.__difference_entries self.log("Cleaning difference entries") # Build a temp list of all known difference entries temp_entries = [] for entry in entries: temp_entries.append(entry) # print("Temp entries count:", len(temp_entries)) # Loop through entries, attempting to clean for one at a time, # until no cleaning has been done while True: most_shallow_entry = None # Locate the most shallow entry for entry in temp_entries: if entry.get_is_missing_from_source() or entry.get_is_missing_from_backup(): # print("Found entry of type 'missing'") # print(entry) item = entry.get_item() if entry.get_is_dir(): # print("Found entry dir:", item) if most_shallow_entry is None or len(item) < len(most_shallow_entry.get_item()): most_shallow_entry = entry # print("Found shallow entry:") # print(entry) # Finish if we haven't found anything if not most_shallow_entry: break # Remove this entry from the temp list, and clean with it as root temp_entries.remove(most_shallow_entry) self.clean_child_difference_entries(entries, most_shallow_entry) def clean_child_difference_entries(self, entries: list, root_entry): if entries is None: entries = self.__difference_entries # print("Enter clean_child_difference_entries") # print(root_entry) root_entry_item = root_entry.get_item() entries_to_delete = [] # Check every other entry as a possible child of the root for child_entry in entries: if child_entry != root_entry: child_entry_item = child_entry.get_item() # Entry must be longer than the shallow entry if len(child_entry_item) >= len(root_entry_item): # Entry must begin with the shallow entry (ie shallow must be a root path of deeper) if child_entry_item.find(root_entry_item) == 0: # We can purge the deeper entry entries_to_delete.append(child_entry) # print("Deleting unneeded child entry:") # print("> Root:", root_entry_item) # print("> Child:", child_entry_item) # Handle entries to delete for entry in entries_to_delete: entries.remove(entry) return len(entries_to_delete) > 0 def strip_root_dir(self, root_dir, paths: set): if isinstance(paths, str): return self.strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, paths) paths_stripped = set() for path in paths: paths_stripped.add(self.strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, path)) return paths_stripped @staticmethod def strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, path): # pos = path.find(root_dir) if pos == -1: raise Exception("Couldn't find root dir in path", str(root_dir), str(path)) # if pos > 0: raise Exception("Root dir wasn't found at the beginning of path", str(root_dir), str(path)) # path_stripped = path[len(root_dir) + 1:] # print(path, "===>", path_stripped) return path_stripped # def calculate_difference_entry(self, comparison_item): entry = DifferenceEntry(comparison_item) path_source = os.path.join(self.__source_path, comparison_item) path_source_exists = False path_source_is_dir = None path_source_mtime = None try: path_source_is_dir = os.path.isdir(path_source) path_source_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_source)) path_source_exists = True except FileNotFoundError: pass path_backup = os.path.join(self.__backup_path, comparison_item) path_backup_exists = False path_backup_is_dir = None path_backup_mtime = None try: path_backup_is_dir = os.path.isdir(path_backup) path_backup_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_backup)) path_backup_exists = True except FileNotFoundError: pass # In source but not backup if path_source_exists and not path_backup_exists: if path_source_is_dir is not None: entry.set_is_dir(path_source_is_dir) entry.set_is_missing_from_backup() # In backup but not source elif path_backup_exists and not path_source_exists: entry.set_is_dir(path_backup_is_dir) entry.set_is_missing_from_source() # In neither # Possible if a bad symlink is present elif not path_source_exists and not path_backup_exists: entry.set_is_missing_from_both() # Type mismatch elif os.path.isdir(path_source) and os.path.isfile(path_backup): entry.set_is_type_mismatch("Source is a directory, but backup is a file") elif os.path.isfile(path_source) and os.path.isdir(path_backup): entry.set_is_type_mismatch("Source is a file, but backup is a directory") # Compare props else: # print("Received item:", comparison_item) # print("Comparing props with:", path_source) # print("Comparing props with:", path_backup) path_source_size = os.path.getsize(path_source) path_backup_size = os.path.getsize(path_backup) entry.set_is_dir(os.path.isdir(path_source)) # Different file sizes if os.path.isfile(path_source) \ and os.path.isfile(path_backup) \ and (path_source_size != path_backup_size): entry.set_is_different_sizes(path_source_size, path_backup_size) # Source modification time is newer elif path_source_mtime > path_backup_mtime: entry.set_source_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime) # Backup modification time is newer elif path_backup_mtime > path_source_mtime: entry.set_backup_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime) # No difference else: entry = None return entry @staticmethod def sort_difference_entries(entries): entries.sort( key=functools.cmp_to_key( lambda entry_a, entry_b: BackupDiff.sort_difference_entries_key_callback(entry_a, entry_b) ) ) @staticmethod def sort_difference_entries_key_callback(entry_a, entry_b): if entry_a.get_is_dir() and not entry_b.get_is_dir(): return -1 if not entry_a.get_is_dir() and entry_b.get_is_dir(): return 1 item_a = entry_a.get_item() item_b = entry_b.get_item() if item_a > item_b: return -1 elif item_b > item_b: return 1 return 0 def generate_report(self): # Start report structure report = { "missing_from_source": { "label": "Items missing from the source", "entries": [] }, "missing_from_backup": { "label": "Items missing from the backup", "entries": [] }, "missing_from_both": { "label": "Items missing from both source and backup (bad link?)", "entries": [] }, "newer_source": { "label": "Items newer in the source", "entries": [] }, "newer_backup": { "label": "Items newer in the backup", "entries": [] }, "type_mismatch": { "label": "Directory/File type mismatch", "entries": [] }, "size_difference": { "label": "Items with different file sizes", "entries": [] }, "unknown": { "label": "Differences of an unknown type", "entries": [] } } # Find entries missing from source for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_missing_from_source(): report["missing_from_source"]["entries"].append(entry) # Find entries missing from backup for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_missing_from_backup(): report["missing_from_backup"]["entries"].append(entry) # Find entries missing from both for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_missing_from_both(): report["missing_from_both"]["entries"].append(entry) # Find directory/file type mismatches for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_type_mismatch(): report["type_mismatch"]["entries"].append(entry) # Find newer in source for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_source_is_newer(): report["newer_source"]["entries"].append(entry) # Find newer in backup for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_backup_is_newer(): report["newer_backup"]["entries"].append(entry) # Different file sizes for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_different_sizes(): report["size_difference"]["entries"].append(entry) # Differences of an unknown nature for entry in self.__difference_entries: if entry.get_is_unknown(): report["unknown"]["entries"].append(entry) # Sort all entries for section_key in report: self.sort_difference_entries(report[section_key]["entries"]) return report @staticmethod def print_progress_message(s): sys.stdout.write("\033[F") # back to previous line sys.stdout.write("\033[K") # clear line print(s) @staticmethod def print_report_heading(s, hooded: bool=False): star_count = 5 stars = "*" * star_count title = stars + " " + s + " " + stars print("") if hooded: print("*" * len(title)) print(title) def print_report(self): report = self.generate_report() section_order = [ "type_mismatch", "missing_from_both", "missing_from_source", "newer_source", "missing_from_backup", "newer_backup", "size_difference", "unknown" ] # self.print_report_heading("Mike's Backup Diff Report", True) print("Source:", self.__source_path) print("Backup:", self.__backup_path) # Print each non-empty report section found_anything = False for section_key in section_order: if len(report[section_key]["entries"]): found_anything = True self.print_report_heading(report[section_key]["label"]) for entry in report[section_key]["entries"]: if entry.get_is_dir(): prefix = "Directory: " elif entry.get_is_file(): prefix = "File: " else: prefix = "" print(prefix + entry.get_item()) print("") if not found_anything: print("Everything seems to match") # class DifferenceEntry: def __init__(self, item): self.__item = None self.__item_is_file = None self.__item_is_dir = None self.__type = None self.__message = None self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH = "type_mismatch" self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_SOURCE = "missing_in_source" self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BACKUP = "missing_in_backup" self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BOTH = "missing_in_both" self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER = "source_is_newer" self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER = "backup_is_newer" self.CONST_TYPE_DIFFERENT_SIZES = "different_sizes" self.CONST_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" if item: self.set_item(item) def __str__(self): s = "" s += "--- DifferenceEntry ---" s += "\nItem: " + str(self.__item) s += "\nType: " + self.__type s += "\nMessage: " + str(self.__message) return s def set_item(self, i): self.__item = i def get_item(self): return self.__item def set_is_dir(self, is_dir: bool=True): if is_dir: self.__item_is_dir = True self.__item_is_file = False else: self.__item_is_dir = False self.__item_is_file = True def get_is_dir(self): return self.__item_is_dir def set_is_file(self, is_file: bool=True): self.set_is_dir(not is_file) def get_is_file(self): return self.__item_is_file def set_is_type_mismatch(self, message): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH self.__message = message def get_is_type_mismatch(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH def set_is_missing_from_source(self): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_SOURCE self.__message = "Item is in backup but not in source" def get_is_missing_from_source(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_SOURCE def set_is_missing_from_backup(self): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BACKUP self.__message = "Item is in source but not in backup" def get_is_missing_from_backup(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BACKUP def set_is_missing_from_both(self): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BOTH self.__message = "Item isn't in source or backup (bad link?)" def get_is_missing_from_both(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BOTH def set_source_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup): time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup) self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \ + " than in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \ + "; Difference is " + str(time_difference) def get_source_is_newer(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER def set_backup_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup): time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup) self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \ + " than in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \ + "; Difference is " + str(time_difference) def get_backup_is_newer(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER def set_is_different_sizes(self, source_item_size, backup_item_size): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_DIFFERENT_SIZES self.__message = \ "Source has a file size of " + str(source_item_size) \ + ", but backup has a file size of " + str(backup_item_size) def get_is_different_sizes(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_DIFFERENT_SIZES def set_is_unknown(self, message): self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_UNKNOWN self.__message = message def get_is_unknown(self): return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_UNKNOWN @staticmethod def friendly_time_difference(stamp1, stamp2): delta = abs(stamp1 - stamp2) friendly = humanfriendly.format_timespan(delta) return friendly # def main(): bd = BackupDiff() bd.run() # if __name__ == "__main__": main()