#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Mike's Backup Rotator A simple script to help automatically rotate backup files Copyright 2024 Mike Peralta; All rights reserved Releasing to the public under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 (See LICENSE file for more) """ from domain.config.Config import Config from domain.config.ConfigFile import ConfigFile from domain.Logger import Logger from domain.Util import Util import datetime from pathlib import Path import shutil class BackupRotator: def __init__( self, config_paths: [Path] = None, debug: bool = False, systemd: bool = False, write_to_syslog: bool = False ): self.__logger = Logger( name=type(self).__name__, debug=debug, systemd=systemd, write_to_syslog=write_to_syslog, ) self.__config = Config( logger=self.__logger, config_files_paths=config_paths ) self.__global_dry_run = True self.__calculated_actions = [] def run(self, global_dry_run: bool = True): self.info("Begin rotating") self.__global_dry_run = global_dry_run if self.__global_dry_run: self.info(f"Running as a dry run, globally.") else: self.info(f"Won't run as a global dry run.") # Rotate once per config config_file_index = -1 for config_file in self.__config.config_files: config_file: ConfigFile config_file_index += 1 self.info( f"Rotating for config {config_file_index + 1} of {len(self.__config.config_files)}" f" : {config_file.path}" f"\n{config_file}" ) self._do_rotate(config_file) @staticmethod def current_time(): now = datetime.datetime.now() now_s = now.strftime("%b-%d-%Y %I:%M%p") return str(now_s) def debug(self, s): self.__logger.debug(s) def info(self, s): self.__logger.info(s) def warn(self, s): self.__logger.warning(s) def error(self, s): self.__logger.error(s) def _do_rotate(self, config: ConfigFile): self.info( f"Rotating for config: {config.path}" ) if config.dry_run: self.info( f"Config {config.path.name} is set for a dry run (no deleting)." ) else: self.info( f"Config {config.path.name} is not set for a dry run (will delete)." ) self._rotate_paths(config=config) def _rotate_paths(self, config: ConfigFile): paths = config.rotatable_paths self.info(f"Begin rotating {len(paths)} paths") for path in paths: path: Path self._rotate_path(config=config, path=path) def _rotate_path(self, config: ConfigFile, path: Path): assert path.is_dir(), ( f"Path should be a directory: {path}" ) self.info( f"Rotating path: {path}" ) self._rotate_path_for_maximum_items( config=config, path=path, ) self._rotate_path_for_maximum_age( config=config, path=path, ) def _rotate_path_for_maximum_items(self, config: ConfigFile, path: Path): assert path.is_dir(), f"Path should be a directory: {path}" if config.maximum_items: self.info( f"Rotating path for a maximum of {config.maximum_items} items: {path}" ) else: self.info( f"Not configured to rotate for maximum number of items." ) return candidate_items = self._gather_rotation_candidates(config=config, path=path) minimum_items = self._determine_minimum_items(config=config) # Do we need to rotate anything out? if len(candidate_items) < minimum_items: self.info( f"Path only has {len(candidate_items)} items" f", which does not meet the minimum threshold of {minimum_items} items." " Won't rotate this path." ) return elif len(candidate_items) <= config.maximum_items: self.info( f"Path only has {len(candidate_items)} items" f", but needs more than {config.maximum_items} for rotation" "; Won't rotate this path." ) return self.info(f"Found {len(candidate_items)} items to examine") # maximum_purge_count = len(candidate_items) - minimum_items purge_count = len(candidate_items) - config.maximum_items self.info(f"Want to purge {purge_count} items") if purge_count > maximum_purge_count: self.info( f"Reducing purge count from" f" {purge_count} to {maximum_purge_count} items" f" to respect minimum items setting ({minimum_items})" ) purge_count = maximum_purge_count items_to_purge = [] for purge_index in range(purge_count): # item_to_purge, item_ctime, item_age_seconds, item_age = self._pick_oldest_item( config=config, items=candidate_items ) item_to_purge: Path candidate_items.remove(item_to_purge) self.info( f"Found next item to purge: ({purge_index + 1})" f" {item_to_purge.name}" f" ({item_age})" ) # items_to_purge.append(item_to_purge) # self.info("Removing items") for item_to_purge in items_to_purge: item_to_purge: Path self.debug(f"Purging item: {item_to_purge.name}") self._remove_item(config=config, path=item_to_purge) def _rotate_path_for_maximum_age(self, config: ConfigFile, path: Path): assert path.is_dir(), f"Path should be a directory: {path}" if config.maximum_age: self.info( f"Rotating path for max age of {config.maximum_age} days: {path}" ) else: self.info( f"Not configured to rotate for a maximum number of days." ) return candidate_items = self._gather_rotation_candidates(config=config, path=path) minimum_items = self._determine_minimum_items(config=config) # Do we need to rotate anything out? if len(candidate_items) < minimum_items: self.info( f"Path only has {len(candidate_items)} items" f", which does not meet the minimum threshold of {minimum_items} items." f" Won't rotate this path." ) return self.info( f"Examining {len(candidate_items)} items for deletion" ) items_to_delete = [] for item in candidate_items: age_seconds = self._detect_item_age_seconds(config=config, item=item) age_days = self._detect_item_age_days(config=config, item=item) age_formatted = Util.seconds_to_time_string(age_seconds) if age_days > config.maximum_age: self.info( f"[Old enough ] {item.name} ({age_formatted})" ) items_to_delete.append(item) else: self.info( f"[Not Old enough] {item.name} ({age_formatted})" ) if len(items_to_delete) > 0: self.info("Removing old items ...") for item in items_to_delete: self._remove_item(config, item) else: self.info("No old items to remove") def _gather_rotation_candidates(self, config: ConfigFile, path: Path) -> [Path]: self.debug(f"Begin gathering rotation candidates for: {path}") candidates: [Path] = [] for item_name in path.iterdir(): item_path = path / item_name self.debug(f"Found an item: {item_name} ==> {item_path}") if config.target_type == "file": if not item_path.is_file(): self.debug(f"Not a file; Skipping: {item_name}") continue elif config.target_type == "directory": if not item_path.is_dir(): self.debug(f"Not a directory; Skipping: {item_name}") continue else: raise Exception( f"Unsupported target type: {config.target_type}" ) candidates.append(item_path) return candidates def _pick_oldest_item(self, config: ConfigFile, items: [Path]) -> (Path, float, float, str): best_item = None best_ctime = None for item in items: ctime = self._detect_item_date(config, item) if best_ctime is None or ctime < best_ctime: best_ctime = ctime best_item = item age_seconds = self._detect_item_age_seconds(config, best_item) age_string = Util.seconds_to_time_string(age_seconds) return best_item, best_ctime, age_seconds, age_string @staticmethod def _detect_item_date(config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> datetime.datetime: if config.date_detection == "file": ctime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( item.stat().st_ctime, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) else: raise AssertionError( f"Unsupported date-detection option: {config.date_detection}" ) return ctime def _detect_item_age_seconds(self, config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> float: now = datetime.datetime.now() ctime = self._detect_item_date(config=config, item=item) delta = now - ctime.now() return delta.seconds def _detect_item_age_days(self, config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> int: age_seconds = self._detect_item_age_seconds( config=config, item=item ) age_days = int(age_seconds / 86400) return age_days def _remove_item(self, config: ConfigFile, path: Path): if path.is_file(): self._remove_file(config=config, file_path=path) elif path.is_dir(): self._remove_directory(config=config, dir_path=path) else: raise AssertionError( f"Don't know how to remove this item: {path}" ) def _remove_file(self, config: ConfigFile, file_path: Path): if not file_path.is_file(): raise Exception( f"Tried to remove a file, but this path isn't a file: {file_path}" ) if self.__global_dry_run: self.info(f"Won't purge file during global-level dry run: {file_path}") elif config.dry_run is True: self.info(f"Won't purge file during config-level dry run: {file_path}") else: self.info(f"Purging file: {file_path}") file_path.unlink() def _remove_directory(self, config: ConfigFile, dir_path: Path): if not dir_path.is_dir(): raise Exception( f"Tried to remove a directory" f", but this path isn't a directory: {dir_path}" ) if self.__global_dry_run: self.info(f"Won't purge directory during global-level dry run: {dir_path}") elif config.dry_run: self.info(f"Won't purge directory during config-level dry run: {dir_path}") else: self.info(f"Purging directory: {dir_path}") shutil.rmtree(dir_path) def _determine_minimum_items(self, config) -> int: minimum_items = 0 if config.minimum_items is not None: minimum_items = config.minimum_items self.info( f"Won't delete anything unless a minimum of {minimum_items} items were found" ) else: self.info( "No minimum number of items specified" "; Will not enforce minimum item constraint." ) return minimum_items