from domain.config.ConfigFile import ConfigFile import datetime from pathlib import Path class Util: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_dir_files_recursive(path: Path) -> [Path]: files_paths = [] for dir_path, dirs_names, filenames in path.walk(): for file_name in filenames: file_path = dir_path / file_name files_paths.append(file_path) return files_paths @staticmethod def detect_item_creation_date(config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> datetime.datetime: stat = None if config.date_detection == "file": # Try for the most accurate stat # First one that raises will just break the block, obv try: stat = item.stat().st_ctime # print("got ctime") stat = item.stat().st_mtime # print("got mtime") stat = item.stat().st_birthtime # print("got btime") except AttributeError: pass else: raise AssertionError( f"Unsupported date-detection option: {config.date_detection}" ) stamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stat ) # print("Stat:", stat) # print("Stamp:", stamp) # print(, "==>", stamp) return stamp @staticmethod def detect_item_age_seconds(config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> float: now = ctime = Util.detect_item_creation_date(config=config, item=item) delta = now - ctime seconds = delta.seconds # print(, "==>", seconds, f"({ctime})") # print(">", "Now was:", now) # print(">", "ctime was:", ctime) # print(">", "Delta was:", delta) # print(">", "Seconds was:", delta.total_seconds()) return delta.total_seconds() @staticmethod def detect_item_age_days(config: ConfigFile, item: Path) -> int: age_seconds = Util.detect_item_age_seconds( config=config, item=item ) age_days = int(age_seconds / 86400) return age_days @staticmethod def seconds_to_time_string(seconds: float): if isinstance(seconds, float): pass elif isinstance(seconds, int): seconds = float(seconds) else: raise AssertionError("Seconds must be an int or float") # Map dt_map = { "year": 31536000.0, "month": 2592000.0, "week": 604800.0, "day": 86400.0, "hour": 3600.0, "minute": 60.0, "second": 1.0 } s_parts = [] for unit_label in dt_map.keys(): unit_seconds = dt_map[unit_label] if seconds >= unit_seconds: unit_count = int(seconds / unit_seconds) unit_plural = "" if unit_count == 1 else "s" s_parts.append( f"{unit_count} {unit_label}{unit_plural}" ) seconds -= unit_seconds * unit_count s = ", ".join(s_parts) return s