# mikes-backup A simple script utilizing rsync for both full and differential backups, and auto folder naming, over SSH Honestly this is more of a wrapper around rsync's beautiful functionality. It simply makes daily backups slightly easier by: * Automatically choosing a *full* or *differential* backup type, based on whether it detects an existing *full* backup folder * Automatically generate a folder based on today's date and time, so you can generate a great many *differential* backup folders without manually changing anything ## Requirements * rsync * python3 * Backup server accessible over SSH ## Command Line Arguments * ```--full``` Forces the script to run a *full* backup * ```--differential``` Forces the script to run an *incremental* backup * ```--log-dir ``` Let's you set the log output directory * ```--source-dir ``` Specifies the local source directory * ```--remote-host ``` Specifies the remote host, to send the backups to over ssh * ```--remote-user ``` Specifies the remote username to use, when connecting to the remote host * ```--remote-dir ``` Specifies the remote backup destination directory * ```--ssh-key ``` Specifies the local ssh key to use for authentication ## Questions I realize these docs are sparse at best, so please send in questions if you have any, and I will try to update this file or create a Wiki if need be