# On Ac Power State Change This is a simple script that will run any command you choose, whenever your power state changes (ie: When your laptop power is unplugged or plugged back in). Should run correctly under any user. ## Requirements * Bash, obviously * "logger" should be installed, so this tool can add system logs * "acpi" should be installed, so this tool can detect power state changes * (only tested with version 1.7) ## Usage Usage is pretty simple. Just pass your custom command as arguments, like so: ``` $ on-ac-power-state-change echo "Yay this works!" ``` At that point, you should see the message "Yay this works!" appear in the console whenever your power state changes. This is commonly when a laptop's power cable has been unplugged, or plugged back in. ## Cautions Because this tool will execute **any** command you provide, it might not be very safe to run as root or an important account unless you know what you're doing. ## License Released under the [Mit License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)