First almost-working version

This commit is contained in:
Mike 2019-07-25 14:57:51 -07:00
parent 387398f3cf
commit 24a7e904bf

328 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
#!/usr/env python3
Mike's Backup Diff
A simple script to help compare changes between a backup destination directory, and its source
Copyright 2019 Mike Peralta; All rights reserved
Released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 (See LICENSE file for more)
import datetime
import humanfriendly
import os
import sys
class BackupDiff:
def __init__(self):
self.__source_path = None
self.__backup_path = None
self.__source_path_items = None
self.__backup_path_items = None
self.__difference_entries = None
def run(self):
def current_time():
now =
now_s = now.strftime("%b-%d-%Y %I:%M%p")
return str(now_s)
def log(self, s, o=None):
now = self.current_time()
to_log = "[" + now + "][Mike's Backup Diff] " + str(s)
if o is not None:
to_log += " " + str(o)
def consume_arguments(self):
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
arg = sys.argv[i]
if arg == "--source-path":
i, one_path = self.consume_argument_companion(i)
self.__source_path = os.path.abspath(one_path)
self.log("Found source path argument:", self.__source_path)
elif arg == "--backup-path":
i, one_path = self.consume_argument_companion(i)
self.__backup_path = os.path.abspath(one_path)
self.log("Found backup destination path argument:", self.__backup_path)
def consume_argument_companion(arg_index):
companion_index = arg_index + 1
if companion_index >= len(sys.argv):
raise Exception("Expected argument after", sys.argv[arg_index])
return companion_index, sys.argv[companion_index]
def calculate_comparison_items(self):
def consume_source_path(self):
if self.__source_path is None:
raise Exception("Please provide a source path")
if not os.path.isdir(self.__source_path):
raise Exception("Source path isn't a valid directory")
source_path_items = self.consume_dir(self.__source_path)
source_path_items = self.strip_root_dir(self.__source_path, source_path_items)
self.__source_path_items = source_path_items
def consume_backup_path(self):
if self.__backup_path is None:
raise Exception("Please provide a backup destination path")
if not os.path.isdir(self.__backup_path):
raise Exception("Backup destination path isn't a valid directory")
backup_path_items = self.consume_dir(self.__backup_path)
backup_path_items = self.strip_root_dir(self.__backup_path, backup_path_items)
self.__backup_path_items = backup_path_items
def consume_dir(dir_path):
paths = set()
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(dir_path):
for d in dirs:
path = os.path.join(root, d)
# print(path)
for f in filenames:
path = os.path.join(root, f)
# print(path)
return paths
def do_comparison(self):
entries = []
# Compare everything in the source path
for item in self.__source_path_items:
entry = self.calculate_difference_entry(item)
if entry:
# Compare only things in the backup path that weren't
# in the source
backup_items_not_in_source = self.__backup_path_items - self.__source_path_items
for item in backup_items_not_in_source:
entry = self.calculate_difference_entry(item)
if entry:
self.__difference_entries = entries
def strip_root_dir(self, root_dir, paths: set):
if isinstance(paths, str):
return self.strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, paths)
paths_stripped = set()
for path in paths:
paths_stripped.add(self.strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, path))
return paths_stripped
def strip_root_dir_from_string(root_dir, path):
pos = path.find(root_dir)
if pos == -1:
raise Exception("Couldn't find root dir in path", str(root_dir), str(path))
if pos > 0:
raise Exception("Root dir wasn't found at the beginning of path", str(root_dir), str(path))
path_stripped = path[ len(root_dir) + 1 : ]
# print(path, "===>", path_stripped)
return path_stripped
def calculate_difference_entry(self, comparison_item):
entry = DifferenceEntry(comparison_item)
path_source = os.path.join(self.__source_path, comparison_item)
path_backup = os.path.join(self.__backup_path, comparison_item)
# In source but not backup
if os.path.exists(path_source) and not os.path.exists(path_backup):
# In backup but not source
elif os.path.exists(path_backup) and not os.path.exists(path_source):
# Type mismatch
elif os.path.isdir(path_source) and os.path.isfile(path_backup):
entry.set_is_type_mismatch("Source is a directory, but backup is a file")
elif os.path.isfile(path_source) and os.path.isdir(path_backup):
entry.set_is_type_mismatch("Source is a file, but backup is a directory")
# Compare props
print("Received item:", comparison_item)
print("Comparing props with:", path_source)
print("Comparing props with:", path_backup)
path_source_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_source))
path_backup_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_backup))
path_source_size = os.path.getsize(path_source)
path_backup_size = os.path.getsize(path_backup)
# Source modification time is newer
if path_source_mtime > path_backup_mtime:
entry.set_source_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime)
# Backup modification time is newer
elif path_backup_mtime > path_source_mtime:
entry.set_backup_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime)
# Different file sizes
elif os.path.isfile(path_source) \
and os.path.isfile(path_backup) \
and (path_source_size != path_backup_size):
entry.set_different_sizes(path_source_size, path_backup_size)
# No difference
entry = None
return entry
def print_report(self):
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
class DifferenceEntry:
def __init__(self, item):
self.__item = None
self.__type = None
self.__message = None
if item:
def __str__(self):
s = ""
s += "--- DifferenceEntry ---"
s += "\nItem: " + str(self.__item)
s += "\nType: " + self.__type
s += "\nMessage: " + str(self.__message)
return s
def set_item(self, i):
self.__item = i
def set_is_type_mismatch(self, message):
self.__type = "type_mismatch"
self.__message = message
def set_is_missing_from_source(self):
self.__type = "missing_in_source"
self.__message = "Item is in backup but not in source"
def set_is_missing_from_backup(self):
self.__type = "missing_in_backup"
self.__message = "Item is in source but not in backup"
def set_source_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup):
time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup)
self.__type = "source_is_newer"
self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \
+ " than in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \
+ "; Difference is " + str(time_difference)
def set_backup_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup):
time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup)
self.__type = "backup_is_newer"
self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \
+ " than in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \
+ "; Difference is " + str(time_difference)
def set_different_sizes(self, source_item_size, backup_item_size):
self.__type = "different_sizes"
self.__message = \
"Source has a file size of " + str(source_item_size) \
+ ", but backup has a file size of " + str(backup_item_size)
def friendly_time_difference(stamp1, stamp2):
delta = abs(stamp1 - stamp2)
friendly = humanfriendly.format_timespan(delta)
return friendly
def main():
bd = BackupDiff()
if __name__ == "__main__":