
272 lines
6.8 KiB

from domain.Logger import Logger
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
class ConfigFile:
def __init__(
self, logger: Logger,
path: Path,
self.__logger = logger
self.__path = path.absolute()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.__data: dict = None
self.__dry_run: bool = True
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.__target_type: str = None
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.__date_detection: str = None
self.__rotatable_paths: [Path] = []
self.__minimum_items: int = 0
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.__maximum_items: int = None
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.__maximum_age: int = None
def __str__(self):
s = ""
s += "*** Config File ***"
s += f"> Path: {self.__path}"
s += f"> Dry run: " + ("Yes" if self.__dry_run else "No")
s += f"> Minimum items: {self.__minimum_items}"
s += f"> Maximum items: {self.__maximum_items}"
s += f"> Maximum age (in days): {self.__maximum_age}"
s += f"> Target type: {self.__target_type}"
s += f"> Date detection: {self.__date_detection}"
s += f"> Rotatable paths: "
if len(self.__rotatable_paths) > 0:
for p in self.__rotatable_paths:
s += f">> {p}"
s += ">> [none]"
return s
def _load(self):
self.info(f"Loading config: {self.__path}")
assert self.__path.is_file(), (
f"Cannot load config file because it isn't a file: {self.__path}"
# Open the file
self.debug(f"Opening config file for load: {self.__path}")
f = open(str(self.__path))
if not f:
raise Exception(f"Unable to open config file: {self.__path}")
# Load data
self.__data = yaml.safe_load(f)
assert self.__data is not None, (
f"Config file seems to be null or empty: {self.__path}"
# Consume to internal
self.info(f"Loaded config from path: {self.__path}")
def _consume(self):
if "options" in self.__data.keys():
self.info(f"Found options setting")
options = self.__data["options"]
assert isinstance(options, dict), "Options must be a dict"
if "dry-run" in options.keys():
dry_run = self.__data["options"]["dry-run"]
self.info(f"Found dry run option: {dry_run}")
assert isinstance(dry_run, bool), "dry-run setting must be boolean"
self.__dry_run = dry_run
self.warning(f"No dry-run option found; Will use default: {self.__dry_run}")
if "minimum-items" in options.keys():
minimum_items = options["minimum-items"]
self.info(f"Found minimum-items option: {minimum_items}")
assert isinstance(minimum_items, int), (
f"Option minimum-items must be int, but got: {minimum_items}"
self.__minimum_items = minimum_items
f"No minimum-items option found; Will use default: {self.__minimum_items}"
if "maximum-items" in options.keys():
maximum_items = options["maximum-items"]
self.info(f"Found maximum-items option: {maximum_items}")
assert isinstance(maximum_items, int), (
f"Option maximum-items must be int, but got: {maximum_items}"
assert maximum_items > 0, (
f"Option maximum-items is zero, which doesn't make sense."
self.__maximum_items = maximum_items
f"No maximum-items option found; Will use default: {self.__maximum_items}"
if "maximum-age" in options.keys():
maximum_age = options["maximum-age"]
self.info(f"Found maximum-age option (max age in days): {maximum_age}")
assert isinstance(maximum_age, int), (
f"Option maximum-age must be int, but got: {maximum_age}"
assert maximum_age > 0, (
f"Option maximum-age is zero, which doesn't make sense."
self.__maximum_age = maximum_age
f"No maximum-age option found; Will use default: {self.__maximum_age}"
assert "target-type" in options.keys(), (
f"Option target-type is required"
target_type = options["target-type"]
self.info(f"Found target-type option: {target_type}")
assert isinstance(target_type, str), (
f"Option target-type must be str, but got: {target_type}"
assert target_type in self.__VALID_TARGET_TYPES, (
f"Option target-type must be one of: {self.__VALID_TARGET_TYPES}"
self.__target_type = target_type
if "date-detection" in options.keys():
date_detection = options["date-detection"]
self.info(f"Found date-detection option: {date_detection}")
assert isinstance(date_detection, str), (
f"Option date-detection must be str, but got: {date_detection}"
assert date_detection in self.__VALID_DATE_DETECTION_TYPES, (
f"Option date-detection must be one of: {self.__VALID_DATE_DETECTION_TYPES}"
self.__date_detection = date_detection
f"Option date-detection not found; Will use default: {self.__date_detection}"
assert "paths" in self.__data, (
f"Could not find 'paths' key"
rotatable_paths = self.__data["paths"]
if isinstance(rotatable_paths, str):
rotatable_paths = [rotatable_paths]
assert isinstance(rotatable_paths, list), (
"Rotatable 'paths' key must be a string or list"
self.__rotatable_paths = rotatable_paths
self.info(f"Found {len(self.__rotatable_paths)} rotatable paths")
except KeyError as e:
f"Failed to load config due to KeyError"
f"\nFile: {self.__path}"
f"\nError: {str(e)}"
raise e
except AssertionError as e:
f"Failed to load config due to AssertionError"
f"\nFile: {self.__path}"
f"\nError: {str(e)}"
raise e
def debug(self, s):
self.__logger.debug(f"({self.__path.name}) {s}")
def info(self, s):
self.__logger.info(f"({self.__path.name}) {s}")
def warning(self, s):
self.__logger.warning(f"({self.__path.name}) {s}")
def error(self, s):
self.__logger.error(f"({self.__path.name}) {s}")
def key(self) -> str:
return str(self.__path)
def path(self) -> Path:
return self.__path
def data(self) -> dict:
return self.__data
def dry_run(self) -> bool:
return self.__dry_run
def dry_run(self, b: bool):
self.__dry_run = b
def target_type(self) -> str:
return self.__target_type
def date_detection(self) -> str:
return self.__date_detection
def rotatable_paths(self) -> [Path]:
return self.__rotatable_paths
def minimum_items(self) -> int:
return self.__minimum_items
def maximum_items(self) -> int:
return self.__maximum_items
def maximum_age(self) -> int:
return self.__maximum_age