Add files via upload

This commit is contained in:
Mike Peralta 2018-05-27 02:37:12 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent c1fcebb5e5
commit 0bcbf12212
1 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import configparser
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import syslog
class SSHConfiger:
_action_interface = None
_action_command = None
_config_file_path = None
_targets = None
_config = None
def __init__(self, action_interface, action_command, config_file_path):
# Grab args
self._action_interface = action_interface
self._action_command = action_command
self._config_file_path = config_file_path
def log(self, s):
print ("[SSHConfiger]", s)
syslog.syslog("[SSHConfiger] " + s)
def complain(self, s):
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "[SSHConfiger] " + s)
print("[SSHConfiger]", s, file=sys.stderr)
def die(self, s):
raise Exception(s)
def run(self):
self.log("Running for interface \""+ self._action_interface +"\": " + self._action_command)
# Parse the config
# Grab the specified ssh directory
if ( "ssh_dir" not in self._config.keys() ):
self.die("Config file needs key \"ssh_dir\" inside \"config\" section")
ssh_dir = self._config["ssh_dir"]
# Determine which ssh config file we should use
ssh_config_name = self.determine_ssh_config_name()
# Make paths
ssh_config_path_link = os.path.join(ssh_dir, "config")
ssh_config_path_target = os.path.join(ssh_dir, ssh_config_name)
self.log("Selecting source config file \"" + ssh_config_path_target + "\" for link \"" + ssh_config_path_link + "\"")
# Don't run unless current ssh config is a symlink or not a file (for safety)
# Set the symlink
os.symlink(ssh_config_path_target, ssh_config_path_link)
def require_symlink_or_none(self, file_path):
if ( not os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path) ):
return True
self.die("For safety, we cannot continue if the target link exists and is a file (" + file_path + ")")
def determine_ssh_config_name(self):
# Only run if an interface is coming up
if ( self._action_command != "up" ):
return None
# Check each section
found_ssh_config_name = None
for section_name in self._targets:
section = self._targets[section_name]
# Must match at least one interface
if ( self._action_interface not in section["adapters"] ):
interface_ssid = self.get_interface_ssid(self._action_interface)
# Must also match at least one SSID
if ( interface_ssid not in section["ssids"] ):
# Found a match!
found_ssh_config_name = section["ssh_config_name"]
# Didn't find anything? Go default ...
if (found_ssh_config_name == None):
if ( "default" in self._targets.keys() ):
if ( "ssh_config_name" in self._targets["default"].keys() ):
found_ssh_config_name = self._targets["default"]["ssh_config_name"]
self.log("No matches found; Defaulting to:" + found_ssh_config_name)
return found_ssh_config_name
def get_interface_ssid(self, interface):
p = subprocess.Popen(["nmcli", "dev", "show", interface], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode()
r = re.compile("""^GENERAL.CONNECTION:\s+(?P<ssid>[^\s].+)$""", re.MULTILINE)
match =
def parse_config(self):
self.log("Parsing config: " + self._config_file_path)
parser = configparser.ConfigParser() self._config_file_path )
# Attempt to grab global config
if ( "config" not in parser.sections() ):
self.die("config section not found")
config = parser["config"]
# Targets
targets = {}
for section in parser.sections():
# Skip the config section
if ( section == "config" ):
target = {
"adapters" : [],
"ssids" : []
# Adapters
if ( parser.has_option(section, "adapters") ):
target["adapters"] = json.loads( parser[section]["adapters"] )
if ( parser.has_option(section, "adapter") ):
target["adapters"].append( parser[section]["adapter"] )
if ( parser.has_option(section, "ssids") ):
target["ssids"] = json.loads( parser[section]["ssids"] )
if ( parser.has_option(section, "ssid") ):
target["ssids"].append( parser[section]["ssid"] )
# ssh_config_name
if ( parser.has_option(section, "ssh_config_name") ):
target["ssh_config_name"] = parser[section]["ssh_config_name"]
raise Exception("ssh_config_name key missing from section: " + section)
targets[section] = target
self._config = config
self._targets = targets
return True
# Main Entry
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
# Script name
script_name = sys.argv[0]
# Network Manager action info
action_interface = sys.argv[1]
action_command = sys.argv[2]
# Config file
config_file_path = sys.argv[3]
configger = SSHConfiger(action_interface, action_command, config_file_path)