Looking better

This commit is contained in:
Mike 2019-07-25 15:42:06 -07:00
parent 24a7e904bf
commit a880300657
1 changed files with 145 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ class BackupDiff:
# Compare props
print("Received item:", comparison_item)
print("Comparing props with:", path_source)
print("Comparing props with:", path_backup)
# print("Received item:", comparison_item)
# print("Comparing props with:", path_source)
# print("Comparing props with:", path_backup)
path_source_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_source))
path_backup_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(path_backup))
@ -222,31 +222,125 @@ class BackupDiff:
path_source_size = os.path.getsize(path_source)
path_backup_size = os.path.getsize(path_backup)
# Different file sizes
if os.path.isfile(path_source) \
and os.path.isfile(path_backup) \
and (path_source_size != path_backup_size):
entry.set_is_different_sizes(path_source_size, path_backup_size)
# Source modification time is newer
if path_source_mtime > path_backup_mtime:
elif path_source_mtime > path_backup_mtime:
entry.set_source_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime)
# Backup modification time is newer
elif path_backup_mtime > path_source_mtime:
entry.set_backup_is_newer(path_source_mtime, path_backup_mtime)
# Different file sizes
elif os.path.isfile(path_source) \
and os.path.isfile(path_backup) \
and (path_source_size != path_backup_size):
entry.set_different_sizes(path_source_size, path_backup_size)
# No difference
entry = None
return entry
def generate_report(self):
# Start report structure
report = {
"missing_from_source": {
"label": "Items missing from the source",
"entries": []
"missing_from_backup": {
"label": "Items missing from the backup",
"entries": []
"newer_source": {
"label": "Items newer in the source",
"entries": []
"newer_backup": {
"label": "Items newer in the backup",
"entries": []
"type_mismatch": {
"label": "Directory/File type mismatch",
"entries": []
"size_difference": {
"label": "Items with different file sizes",
"entries": []
# Find entries missing from source
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_is_missing_from_source():
# Find entries missing from backup
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_is_missing_from_backup():
# Find directory/file type mismatches
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_is_type_mismatch():
# Find newer in source
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_source_is_newer():
# Find newer in backup
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_backup_is_newer():
# Different file sizes
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
if entry.get_is_different_sizes():
return report
def print_report_heading(s, hooded: bool=False):
title = "***** " + s + "*****"
if hooded:
print( "*" * len(title) )
def print_report(self):
for entry in self.__difference_entries:
report = self.generate_report()
section_order = [
"missing_from_source", "newer_source",
"missing_from_backup", "newer_backup",
self.print_report_heading("Mike's Backup Diff Report", True)
print("Source:", self.__source_path)
print("Backup:", self.__backup_path)
found_anything = False
for section_key in section_order:
if len(report[section_key]["entries"]):
found_anything = True
for entry in report[section_key]["entries"]:
if not found_anything:
print("Everything seems to match")
class DifferenceEntry:
@ -257,6 +351,13 @@ class DifferenceEntry:
self.__type = None
self.__message = None
self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH = "type_mismatch"
self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_SOURCE = "missing_in_source"
self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BACKUP = "missing_in_backup"
self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER = "source_is_newer"
self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER = "backup_is_newer"
self.CONST_TYPE_DIFFERENT_SIZES = "different_sizes"
if item:
@ -275,40 +376,62 @@ class DifferenceEntry:
self.__item = i
def get_item(self):
return self.__item
def set_is_type_mismatch(self, message):
self.__type = "type_mismatch"
self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH
self.__message = message
def get_is_type_mismatch(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_TYPE_MISMATCH
def set_is_missing_from_source(self):
self.__type = "missing_in_source"
self.__message = "Item is in backup but not in source"
def get_is_missing_from_source(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_SOURCE
def set_is_missing_from_backup(self):
self.__type = "missing_in_backup"
self.__message = "Item is in source but not in backup"
def get_is_missing_from_backup(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_MISSING_IN_BACKUP
def set_source_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup):
time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup)
self.__type = "source_is_newer"
self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER
self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \
+ " than in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \
+ "; Difference is " + str(time_difference)
def get_source_is_newer(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_SOURCE_IS_NEWER
def set_backup_is_newer(self, stamp_source, stamp_backup):
time_difference = self.friendly_time_difference(stamp_source, stamp_backup)
self.__type = "backup_is_newer"
self.__type = self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER
self.__message = "Item has been modified more recently in backup (" + str(stamp_backup) + ")" \
+ " than in source (" + str(stamp_source) + ")" \
+ "; Difference is " + str(time_difference)
def set_different_sizes(self, source_item_size, backup_item_size):
self.__type = "different_sizes"
def get_backup_is_newer(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_BACKUP_IS_NEWER
def set_is_different_sizes(self, source_item_size, backup_item_size):
self.__message = \
"Source has a file size of " + str(source_item_size) \
+ ", but backup has a file size of " + str(backup_item_size)
def get_is_different_sizes(self):
return self.__type == self.CONST_TYPE_DIFFERENT_SIZES
def friendly_time_difference(stamp1, stamp2):
delta = abs(stamp1 - stamp2)